Friday, May 2, 2008




¿Quién es San Miguel Arcángel?

San Miguel es uno de los siete arcángeles y está entre los tres cuyos nombres aparecen en la Biblia. Los otros dos son Gabriel y Rafael. La Santa Iglesia da a San Miguel el más alto lugar entre los arcángeles y le llama "Príncipe de los espíritus celestiales", "jefe o cabeza de la milicia celestial". Ya desde el Antiguo Testamento aparece como el gran defensor del pueblo de Dios contra el demonio y su poderosa defensa continúa en el Nuevo Testamento.

Muy apropiadamente, es representado en el arte como el ángel guerrero, el conquistador de Lucifer, poniendo su talón sobre la cabeza del enemigo infernal, amenazándole con su espada, traspasándolo con su lanza, o presto para encadenarlo para siempre en el abismo del infierno.

La cristiandad desde la Iglesia primitiva venera a San Miguel como el ángel que derrotó a Satanás y sus seguidores y los echó del cielo con su espada de fuego.


"San Miguel Arcángel,
defiéndenos en la batalla.
Sé nuestro amparo
contra la perversidad y asechanzas
del demonio.
Reprímale Dios, pedimos suplicantes,
y tú Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial,
arroja al infierno con el divino poder
a Satanás y a los otros espíritus malignos
que andan dispersos por el mundo
para la perdición de las almas.

Omnipotente y Eterno Dios, os adoramos y bendecimos. En vuestra maravillosa bondad, y con el misericordioso deseo de salvar las almas del género humano, habéis escogido al Glorioso Arcángel, San Miguel, como Príncipe de Vuestra Iglesia.

Humildemente os suplicamos, Padre Celestial, que nos libréis de nuestros enemigos. En la hora de la muerte, no permitáis que ningún espíritu maligno se nos acerque, para perjudicar nuestras almas. Oh Dios y Señor Nuestro, guiadnos por medio de este mismo Arcángel. Enviadle que nos conduzca a la Presencia de Vuestra Excelsa y divina Majestad. Os lo pedimos por los méritos de Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor. Amen

Anaisa Pye is a very popular Lwa of the 21 Divisions (Dominican Vodou). The image always seen with Anaisa is that of Saint Anne. Sheis a Metresa (Mistress - female Lwa) and is sometimes said to be the leader of the Metresas Division. She is the most popular of all the female Lwas. She is associated with the child Mary that is learning the Bible with St. Anne. Anaisa is the spirit of Love, Money, Luck and Happiness. She represents all the good things in life, and loves to shower these gifts upon her children. She is very flirtatious and is known to have relationships with the majority of the male Lwa. She can be awful friendly. She loves dancing, partying, and having a good time. She is the joy of living! Her feast is the feast of St. Anne, July 26th, and all of her servitors hold parties or serve her on her special day. On this day, the Palo drums are beat or Palo music is played in her honor. She is served all of her favorite offerings and is invited to come and join the festivities, and she does! When Anaisa arrives, she will often place a fula (mushwa or handkerchief) in her favorite color yellow on her head. In some houses, they also have a skirt and a blouse for Anaisa to wear and she will change into this. She will then look into her "mirror", which is actually the palm of her hand. Gazing into her mystical mirror, she will put on her lipstick and her makeup (if the house has any for her) and then perfume herself from head to toe and again from toe to head! She will also be given jewelry to wear, if the horse has given her any. She will then light her cigarette, and a warm beer will be poured into a special glass for her. She will drink and smoke and greet individuals present. She is now finally ready to consult.


it is Baron Del Cementerio that allows passage from spiritual to physical worlds. While Legba is still served and he is the gate keeper, it is Baron who is much more popular, and also a gate keeper in his own right. Papa Legba rarely mounts, instead Baron comes to open the way for the spiritual world. Baron Del Cementerio is served with the image of Saint Elijah of Mount Carmel. He is served with black and white, and his fula is usually black with a white cross sewn in the center. Others may use a white cloth with a black cross instead. But, either way, it is black and white and includes a cross. When he
mounts the horse's body is knocked out cold. It is stiff and is laid on the ground. Baron's fula is placed on his head and stomach. A cross is placed over top of this and then the congregation will begin to pray an Our Father, Hail Mary, etc. . . . Baron foams at the mouth and as he is in possession and the prayer being said, his stomach will slowly lift. He mounts for a very short period of time, usually not lasting more than two minutes. Thus Baron has removed all obstacles that may lie ahead and the party/work may commence. Some people will whisper their desires while Baron is in the head. He does not eat or speak at all. Afterwards, the Horse will recover and other spirits will be able to mount.

Baron has Gede to work for him. Papa Gede, in Dominican Vodou, digs the graves for the dead. He is also known for his laid back attitude. Yet Baron also has a number of other Centinelas (Messengers) that are there in the cemetery keeping him always informed.

He is served to destroy enemies, remove obstacles, reverse malefic works, send the dead, get debts paid, and more. We take his worksto the cemetery. His is the grave of the first dead man in any and all cemeteries.


She arrives in the form of a snake. Cleansing the environment, she will circle around men and clean their "auras" making them more desirable to the opposite sex. Metres Lubana has arrived, and she does not speak. People within the Societe will pick up her messages telepathically, and know what to do. She will make her way to the front door cleansing the environment of any negativity.
This beautiful and powerful Metresa is represented by Saint Martha the Dominator. She is a powerful Lwa of the black division and works with Baron Del Cementerio. She is hot, she is wild, and she is powerful. She is known for her ability to dominate a man, an enemy, or any uncontrollable situation. Her powers come from the ground up and she lives in the cemetery.


the most hilarious of all the Lwa is Gede Nibo. Gede Nibo is associated with Saint Expedite. He is seen wearing a checkerboard shirt (white and black), black pants with one leg rolled up, a macuto (straw bag) across his chest, a set of sunglasses with one lens missing, and a straw hat. Usually you can spot him in the cemetery digging new graves, sometimes at the hospital waiting for people to die, or at a church after a funeral. We call him Papa Gede, as he is the head of all the rest of them. There are thousands of them!

Gede is known for sending other fresh dead to do his work. He is scandalous. While they are doing his work, he is playing cards, dancing, and attending dice games. Papa Gede is known for cussing and crude honesty. To say that Papa Gede is crude is an under statement.


O Glorious St. Barbara, you inspire me by your example of courage and chastity. Help me to have your gift of faith, and obtain for me, through your prayers, the grace to live a holy life, so that one day I may join you in the Kingdom of Heaven.


St. Barbara, Pray for Us!

Señor, que diste a santa Bárbara una increíble fortaleza para soportar los mayores ultrajes y tormentos por ser fiel a Ti, te pedimos que, como ella, nosotros seamos fuertes en la adversidad y humildes en la prosperidad para alcanzar como ella la eterna bienaventuranza.
Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.


SANTA BARBARA BENDITA. This is the Catholic Saint used to represent Chango. The reason they picked this Saint is because of the use of the color red and the sword. Also, in many depictions of this Saint, there is castle in the picture, and since Chango was a King, the castle was a fitting correspondence.

Of course, Chango and Santa Barbara are two different things. First of all, Chango is male and super-macho at that, while Santa Barbara is female. As with the other Orishas, you can have them without any Catholic Saints anywhere in your home. It just happened that in Cuba, where Catholicism was so predominat in that era, everyone loves Santa Barbara. The important thing in Orisha worship is to receive what we call the "Fundamento" of the Orisha. For most Orishas this consists of receiving the cowrie shells that have been consecrated and the stones that have been consecrated to a particular Orisha. Natually, they have to live in something, so they are placed in tureens and other receptacles to house them. Chango lives in a wooden "batea" The batea is a round wooden bowl that has a top that can be removed. The Orishas also have certain "tools" that are consecrated with them, which they use to work with in performing their "MAGIC".

The most beautiful Metresa of the 21 divisions is by far Metres Ezili. Commonly known in Haiti as Ezili Freda, Metres Ezili is a Lwa of Love and Prosperity. Just as in Haiti, in the 21 Divisions she is served with the image of Mater Dolorosa. You will find that in this method she is commonly served with white, light blue and light pink.

During a party for the Divisions, she must be the first one to mount. Otherwise you will not find her present amongst the guests. She dislikes the smell of strong alcohol, cigars and cigarettes, and as such she will not come if those have been recently present. She is extremely pure and delicate and will not tolerate any type of dirtiness around her.

She salutes individuals by giving a special handshake with her pinky finger. She does not do consultations during her possessions. She will bestow premonitions. She may speak a little about what she desires. During possession, she will be found weeping. She is saddened by the manner in which we choose to live.

She is served on Thursdays. She is the wife of Ogoun Balendjo (Santiago) and is usually seen on an altar right beside him. She is attended with a glass of champagne, fine perfumes and women's powders, a red soda pop, and a pink candle lit in her honor. Jewelry and a mirror are always present, and she enjoys sweet foods.


In 21 divisions, we use the image of Saint James the Greater for Ogun Balendyo. He is a family man and is married to Metres Ezili, who is also sometimes called Metres Ezili Balendyo. He has a sister known as Ofelia Balendyo who is often seen accompanying him.

He is seen as an old man. Thus he rarely mounts. When he does mount, he is a very serious and well respected Lwa. He speaks in an almost inaudible voice, smokes a cigar and drinks red wine. He favors the color blue. He is the leader of the Ogunes, and is very respected by them as well. The nation of Oguns is very large, yet out of all the Lwa in that nation, there are seven who receive the most recognition.

When he mounts, the room must be silent. He will mount when a mani is made or a party for him is held. He is known to be a great healer and can heal with his hands in an instant. He will be given his fula, his cape if there is one, a cigar and wine or rum. He will advise the Societe and then prefers to leave. He does salute those present, but often will leave and allow another Lwa to come in his place. He is usually very tired.

He fights battles for his children. He is a great protector and often a resguardo can be found in an altar prepared for him. There will also be his machete, his image, his wine and cigars. Servants of this Lwa light blue candles for him.

Oh amable Santa Clara, tú que siguiendo las huellas de la virgen María, fuiste madre del cuerpo místico de Cristo; danos tu amor por la iglesia y por todos hermanos.

Tú, que con tus últimas palabras has bendecido al Señor por haberte creado; haz que comprendamos el gran don que es la vida. Intercede para que en nuestras familias haya concordia, serenidad en el trabajo, alegría en el estar juntos; haz que un día podamos reunirnos para alabar y cantar eternamente contigo la misericordia del Señor.


, Señor,
hazme un instrumento de Tu Paz . Donde hay odio, que lleve yo el Amor.

Donde haya ofensa, que lleve yo el Perdón.
onde haya discordia, que lleve yo la Unión.
onde haya duda, que lleve yo la Fe.
onde haya error, que lleve yo la Verdad.
onde haya desesperación, que lleve yo la Alegría.

onde haya tinieblas, que lleve yo la Luz.

Oh, Maestro, haced que yo no busque tanto ser consolado, sino consolar;
ser comprendido, sino comprender;
ser amado, como amar.

Porque es:
Dando , que se recibe;
Perdonando, que se es perdonado;
Muriendo, que se resucita a la
Vida Eterna.


A Portuguese saint, born in Lisbon in 1195 (though carbon-dating performed on his bones in 1982 suggest a different birth year). His father was a Captain in the Portuguese Royal Army. Anthony joined the Franciscan Order in 1221 and was asked by St. Francis to instruct the Order in the study of the scriptures. Anthony died in 1231. Pope Gregory IX enrolled him among the saints in 1232. At Padua, a magnificent basilica was built in his honor; his holy relics were entombed there in 1263. From the time of his death up to the present day, countless miracles have occurred through St. Anthony's intercession, so that he is known as the Wonder-Worker. On January 16, 1946, Pope Pius XII, declared St. Anthony a Doctor of the Church, with the title, Doctor Evangelicus, Doctor of Gospels. Within the entire Community of Saints, only 33 have be declared Doctors of the Church for their exemplary scholasticism and their Christ-like lives. Anthony is typically depicted with a book and the Infant Child Jesus, to whom He miraculously appeared. Anthony died in Italy, but is still very much a Portuguese saint. He is patron saint of Lisbon and of preachers of the gospels. He is also often invoked as the saint of lost causes and lost articles.


Saint Anthony

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God
and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on
earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on
your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in
trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore
of you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer
may require a miracle. Even so, you are the saint of

O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full
of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the
Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and
the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.



El Nino de Atocha (The Little Boy of Atocha) is a particular vision of Jesus Christ as a young boy wearing a pilgrim's cloak and hat of 16th century style. He carries a basket of food, a staff, a water-gourd, and a sheaf of wheat. He is usually shown sitting in a chair, often with matched vases of flowers on either side of him. His popularity is greatest in Spain and the Central and South American countries once conquered and colonized by Spain. Some people in Santeria consider him to be a symbol of the Orisha Ellegua, one of the Seven African Powers.

The story of El Nino de Atocha is this:

When the Moors conquered the town of Atocha, Spain, in the 1400s they imprisoned the Christians and provided them with no food. The people would have starved to death but for a little boy dressed as a pilgrim who appeared at the jail every day with a basket of food, some grain for bread, and a gourd full of water. When the Moors were expelled, the Christians were released, and it was believed that the miraculous little boy was none other than the infant Jesus.

In later years El Nino de Atocha appeared again in the vicinity of Atocha, where he performed other miracles, such as staving off a rape in progress.

Today he is revered as the special PATRON for those who are in prison, living under regimes of political torture, those in trouble with the I.N.S., victims of crimes including rape and abduction, those facing a court case, and those who, by virtue of circumstances, require help from outside for the opening of their way.



Señor Jesús, Tú que para salvar a los hombres te humillaste haciéndote hombre y nos amaste hasta la muerte y muerte de Cruz, te pedimos, que a ejemplo de san Martín de Porres sepamos vivir en humildad, aliviando a los enfermos y socorriendo a los pobres.
Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos.

El santo mulato nació en Lima en 1579 de padre español y madre panameña. De caballero y mulata nació el santo. Tardó su padre en reconocerlo pero al final asintió, teniendo de todas formas que partir dejando al pequeño al cuidado de su madre. Son misteriosos los caminos del Señor: no fue sino un santo quien lo confirmó en la fe de sus padres. Fue Santo Toribio Mogrovejo, segundo arzobispo de Lima y actual patrono del Episcopado Latinoamericano, quien hizo descender el Espíritu sobre su moreno corazón, corazón que el Señor fue haciendo manso y humilde como el de su Madre. Martín aprendió el oficio de barbero y también algo de medicina. El muchacho era inteligente, y fue tal su amor por los hermanos que no tardó en aprender para poderlos servir mejor. Desde niño sentía predilección por los enfermos y los pobres en quienes reconocía sin duda el rostro sufriente de su Señor. A los quince años la gracia recibida y el ardor por vivir más cerca de Dios en servicio completo a sus hermanos humanos lo impulsó a pedir ser admitido como donado en el convento de los dominicos que había en Lima.

La Virgen de la Altagracia es la Protectora del Pueblo Dominicano, Su devoción, por parte de la población católica, se inició en el país durante el período colonial, de donde pasó a otras regiones de América..


Oh Madre querida, Virgen dulcísima de Altagracia. Patrona nuestra! Míranos aquí, postrados en tu presencia, deseosos de ofrecerte en este novenario el testimonio de nuestro amor y correspondencia a los innumerables favores que de tus manos hemos recibido Tú eres nuestra Abogada, y como menesterosos venimos a encomendarte nuestras necesidades. Tú eres nuestra Maestra, y como discípulos venimos a aprender los ejemplos de tu santa vida. Eres nuestra Madre, y como hijos venimos a ofrendarte todo el amor de nuestro corazón. Recibe Madre querida, nuestras alabanzas y escucha atenta nuestras súplicas. Amen


The Virgin of Carmen is the patron saint and protector of fishermen and sailors - those who live on and from the sea. Little surprise then that her 'saints' day is celebrated vigorously throughout Ibiza and Formentera, where the sea is almost inevitably your distant horizon. Her feast day is july 16th .


¡Oh Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, belleza y esplendor del Carmen! Vos, que miráis con ojos de particular bondad al que viste vuestro bendito Escapulario, miradme benignamente y cubridme con el manto de vuestra maternal protección. Fortaleced mi flaqueza con vuestro poder, iluminad las tinieblas de mi entendimiento con vuestra sabiduría, aumentad en mí la fe, la esperanza y la caridad. Adornad mi alma con tales gracias y virtudes que sea siempre amada de vuestro divino Hijo y de Vos. Asistidme en vida, consoladme cuando muera con vuestra amabilísima presencia, y presentadme a la augustísima Trinidad como hijo y siervo devoto vuestro, para alabaros eternamente y bendeciros en el Paraíso. Amén.


WORDS SAID BY THE VIRGEN ""Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within my fold? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything." (Words said by of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego)
The Blessed Virgin Mary, by her title, Our Lady of Guadalupe, is the Patroness of Mexico and the Americas,


"Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, intercede for the Church, protect the Holy Father, help all who invoke you in their necessities. Since you are the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from your most holy Son the Grace of a firm faith and sure hope amid the bitterness of life, as well as an ardent love and the precious gift of final perseverance. Amen."

O God of power and mercy, You blessed the Americas at Tepeyac with the presence of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. May her prayers help all men and women to accept each other as brothers and sisters. Through Your justice present in our hearts, may Your peace reign in the world.


Most Holy Virgin Mary, tender Mother of men, to fulfill the desires of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the request of the Vicar of Your Son on earth, we consecrate ourselves and our families to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and we recommend to You, all the people of our country and all the world.

Please accept our consecration, dearest Mother, and use us as You wish to accomplish Your designs in the world.

O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and Queen of the World, rule over us, together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, Our King. Save us from the spreading flood of modern paganism; kindle in our hearts and homes the love of purity, the practice of a virtuous life, an ardent zeal for souls, and a desire to pray the Rosary more faithfully.

We come with confidence to You, O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love. Inflame us with the same Divine Fire which has inflamed Your own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Make our hearts and homes Your shrine, and through us, make the Heart of Jesus, together with your rule, triumph in every heart and home.


candelo was known to for being a dark skin slave he worked in a plantation chopping sugarcanes and making rum from scratch many people went to him for assistance and guidance he adores roasters he takes his work very seriously, going from badji to badji always making sure the caballos are on their best behavior, this demonstrates how serious he is and strict he really is.

Candelo speaks with a very heavy accent. He gives out great advice, but is rarely angered - only when he isn't being taken seriously. He is old, and as such we sometimes call him Papa or El Viejo (the Old Man) Candelo. He has seven paths, but few are actually seen in possession. The most common path of Candelo that mounts is Candelo Cedife. In Kreyol, Ce Dife means literally "Is Fire", therefore Candelo is Fire. When one sees Candelo, one can see that his personality definitely demonstrates this.


Candelo works with fire, in fact he loves fire. He enjoys heat and cannot stand the cold. His color is red and he loves his tafia (rum) and tabaco (cigar). When he mounts a caballo (horse), he will ask for his fula which he will tie around his head. Then he will be given three candles with which he will heat himself up and then eat the fire. Afterwards, he is handed his cigar and rum and he is ready to consult.

Wherever he goes, he demands respect. He cures the sick and bestows protection. He also gives protection to children and is known for his love of them. He loves for a fire of Florida water to be built, and then he will walk through it, stamping it out. At times, he may decide to light his hands with Florida water and cleanse people with it. He is good for uncrossing those who have been hexed.

To serve Candelo, one would light a red candle for him. He is served with the image of Saint Charles Borromeo (San Carlos). A glass of yellow rum and a cigar would be served in his name. Some choose to smoke the cigar blowing the smoke all over him while invoking for their desires. Then the cigar is placed horizontally over the glass, balancing it there for him to smoke the rest.


SANTA RITA OF CASCIA was born at Spoleto, Italy in 1381. At an early age, s he begged her parents to allow her to enter a convent. Instead they arranged a marriage for her. Rita became a good wife and mother, but her husband was a man of violent temper. In anger he often mistreated his wife. He taught their children his own evil ways.

Rita tried to perform her duties faithfully and to pray and receive the sacraments frequently. After nearly twenty years of marriage, her husband was stabbed by an enemy but before he died, he repented because Rita prayed for him. Shortly afterwards, her two sons died, and Rita was alone in the world. Prayer, fasting, penances of many kinds, and good works filled her days. She was admitted to the convent of the Augustinian nuns at Cascia in Umbria, and began a life of perfect obedience and great charity.

Sister Rita had a great devotion to the Passion of Christ. "Please let me suffer like you, Divine Saviour," she said one day, and suddenly one of the thorns from the crucifix struck her on the forehead. It left a deep wound which did not heal and which caused her much suffering for the rest of her life. She died on May 22, 1457. She is the patroness of impossible cases. Her feast day is May 22.


THIS WAS A QUOTE FROM SANTA TERESITA " I saw an angel close by me, on my left side, in bodily form. This I am not accustomed to see, unless very rarely. Though I have visions of angels frequently, yet I see them only by an intellectual vision, such as I have spoken of before. It was our Lord's will that in this vision I should see the angel in this wise"


Dear Rita, model wife and widow, you yourself suffered in a long illness showing patience out of love for God. Teach us to pray as you did. Many invoke you for help, full of confidence in your intercession. Deign to come now to our aid for the relief and cure of (name). To God all things are possible; may this healing give glory to the Lord. Amen.


Ezili Alaila - Nuestra Senora de Altagracia - 21 of Jan.
Candelina - 2 of Feb.
Damballah - 17 of March
Baron del Cementerio - 17 of April / 20 of July
Ghuede N'himbo La Croix / 19 of April
Ogun Feray - 23 of April
Legba - 13 of June
Ezili Dantor - 16 of July and 15 of August
Baron del Cementerio - 20 of July / 17 of April
Ogun Balendjo - 25 of July
Gran Bwa - 25 of July
Anaisa Pye - 26 of July
Filomena Lubana - 29 of July
Santa Clara - 11 of August
Ezili Dantor - 15 of August and 16 of July
Cachita / Virgen de La Caridad - 8 of Sept.
Metrezili - 15 of Sept.
Ofelia Balendjo - 24 of Sept.
Marassa - 26 of Sept.
Belie Belcan - 29 of Sept.
Dia de los muertos (Ghuede Day) - November 2nd
Candelo - 4 of November
Ogun Obatala - 11 of Nov.
Gran Solie - 6 of Diciembre